Safety & Health Class for International Interns: Hazard Safety, Health Insurance, and Future in Korea
On September 9th, our Korea WEST participants attended a Safety and Health Class in Downtown Los Angeles to get informed about health insurance and safety procedures in the U.S. The class consisted of three speakers.
Stormy Bruckner, of Bruckner & Associates, has over 30 years of experience training the people of Los Angeles for natural disasters and other dangerous situations. He guided the students through interactive scenarios, making them think about what might be the smartest courses of action to reach safety in a variety of emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or even active shooters. Although the topics are pretty serious, Stormy is a pro at engaging the students in a fun and informative manner.

Next, Jung Han Shin, a former Samsung employee and current Human Resources consultant at KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) spoke to the WESTies about preparing for their futures in Korea after their program in the U.S. is over. She offered her mentorship and advice on how to prepare for job interviews and what they should expect when working in Korean companies.

Juan Carlos Macias and Gumaro Sanudo, from the health insurance provider GBG, went over very important details about the students’ health insurance plan while living in the U.S. They informed the students about their coverage and educated them about what to do in case they might have to visit an emergency room or urgent care clinic.